Build on blockchain in Python: A quick guide to dApp development

May 23, 2024


Written by: Algorand Foundation

Ever wondered how to put your Python skills to work in building apps using blockchain technology? This guide will show you how. We'll explore how Python’s readability and extensive libraries make it an ideal choice for developing decentralized applications. We'll also delve into the types of apps suited to Python development, unpack the workflow on a blockchain platform like Algorand, and equip you with the developer tools to build, test, deploy and interact with smart contracts.

What is blockchain?

Let’s start with an overview of blockchain technology. At its core, blockchain technology uses a decentralized and distributed computing, storage, and ledger system. Imagine a historical record of transactions, housed not only on a single server but replicated and secure across a vast network of computers. This inherent decentralization ensures immutability – any attempt to alter the ledger requires modification of every copy everywhere within the network, a near-impossible feat. 

Blockchain technology extends beyond a ledger of transactions representing token transfers between accounts to also include secure data storage. It allows for the execution of arbitrary code installed into the blockchain network – these self-enforcing contracts, known as smart contracts, are the foundation of decentralized applications (dApps). dApps combine smart contract execution with a user interface to allow authorized users to interact with application logic and data storage.

Read also: 

What are Smart Contracts?

What Is a dApp? Decentralized Apps Explained

What can you develop using blockchain technology with Python? 

Peer-to-peer marketplaces: Imagine marketplaces where buyers and sellers interact directly, eliminating intermediaries and associated fees. Python-powered dApps can facilitate secure transactions and escrow services, fostering trust and efficiency for all parties within a marketplace. 

Decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols: Python can be a powerful tool for building DeFi protocols on blockchains. These dApps facilitate peer-to-peer lending, borrowing, and other financial transactions without relying on centralized institutions. 

Decentralized content distribution: The current content distribution landscape is often centralized, with platforms controlling how creators are compensated and how users access content. Python-powered dApps can empower creators to directly distribute content on the blockchain, ensuring fair compensation and fostering a more equitable ecosystem. 

Read also: Developers: How to Level Up from Web2 to Web3

Supply chain transparency: Ever wished for a system that tracks the journey of a product from origin to consumer with irrefutable transparency? Python-powered dApps can disrupt supply chain management by enabling real-time tracking, ensuring ethical sourcing, and preventing counterfeiting.

Digital identity management: Python can facilitate the development of dApps that allow users to manage their credentials, grant access, and interact with services seamlessly, all while maintaining complete ownership of their data. 

Decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs): DAOs are governed by transparent, pre-defined rules encoded on the blockchain. Python can be leveraged to build dApps that allow members to participate in decision-making, manage funds, and collaborate in a trustless environment.

Benefits of developing on blockchain in Python 

Readability and maintainability: Python's clear, concise syntax shines in dApp development. Code becomes easier to organize and maintain, especially compared to languages with more verbose structures. This translates to a smoother development process, allowing you to focus on the core logic of your dApp rather than wrestling with non-standard syntax. Readability also determines how easy it is to audit a piece of code and smart contract auditing is crucial for most production applications.

Rich library and tools: Python's strength lies in its vast ecosystem of libraries and testing tools that empower you to build feature-rich dApps. These libraries tackle various aspects of blockchain development, seamlessly enabling you to interact with blockchain networks, send cryptocurrency transactions, and retrieve data efficiently. Use the IDE and testing framework of your choice to easily organize your code and run tests for debugging.

Read also: How to Become a Blockchain Developer: A Guide to Getting Started

Rapid prototyping and iteration: Python's simplicity fosters rapid prototyping and iteration. Compared to languages requiring extensive compilation, Python's dynamic nature allows for quick experimentation and testing of ideas. This iterative approach is invaluable for dApp development, where exploration and refinement are key to success.

Versatility across industries: Python's general-purpose nature isn't limited to core blockchain functionalities. It integrates seamlessly with other technologies like web frameworks and machine learning libraries. This versatility allows you to build dApps that extend beyond the blockchain, incorporating web interfaces, data analysis tools, and even AI capabilities, creating a truly comprehensive user experience.

A large and active community: The Python community is vast and highly active, as the language continues to rise in popularity and demand. This translates to readily available support, a wealth of online resources, and a constant stream of contributions to libraries specifically tailored for blockchain development. When you encounter challenges, you're not alone; the Python community is there to help you navigate the world of dApps.

How Python development works with blockchain technology 

Python simplifies blockchain app development through:  

  • dApp logic and smart contract interaction: Write your dApp’s core logic in Python. Libraries like algokit-utils-py and algokit-client-generator-py connect your dApps to blockchain networks like Algorand, allowing interaction with smart contracts to securely automate tasks and transactions.
  • Rapid dApp development: Python’s web development simplicity translates seamlessly to blockchain. This allows you to focus on your dApp’s core functionality and connect to it using generated clients.

Using Python to develop on the Algorand blockchain 

Now let’s explore how Python dApp development works on a specific blockchain platform: Algorand, an enterprise-grade, programmable, layer-1 blockchain. To simplify dApp development, the Algorand Foundation has developed AlgoKit, a one-stop shop for building on Algorand. It includes:

  • AlgoKit command line interface (CLI): A CLI that gets you started quickly with boilerplate code, templates, and development tools.
  • AlgoKit utilities: A collection of generated clients and Python libraries providing high-level functions for common Algorand tasks. These functions simplify complex interactions with the Algorand SDK, allowing you to focus on writing your smart contracts and building your dApp's core functionalities in plain Python.

By leveraging AlgoKit, you can:

  • Set up scaffolding in your developer environment: The algokit-init command interactively guides you through picking the right stack to build your project.
  • Rapidly prototype dApps: The CLI provides pre-built components and templates to jumpstart your development process.
  • Simplify smart contract interaction: AlgoKit utilities and generated clients streamline communication with Algorand smart contracts, making it easier to manage transactions and access data.
  • Focus on innovation: The high-level abstractions offered by AlgoKit free you from low-level complexities, allowing you to dedicate your efforts to building creative and impactful dApps on the Algorand blockchain.

In essence, AlgoKit empowers Python developers to harness the full potential of Algorand blockchain technology for building secure, scalable, and efficient dApps.

Read also: Blockchain Developer Bootcamps: A Comprehensive Guide

How to write a blockchain application in Python 

Install Python 

Go to and download the latest version of Python that suits your operating system. Run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions. During installation, make sure to check the option to "Add Python 3.12 to PATH" (or similar wording depending on your OS). This ensures you can run Python commands from any directory in your terminal/command prompt.

Install AlgoKit

Before installing AlgoKit, download Git from and install it. Docker is also recommended for running a local Algorand network for development purposes. You can install Docker by following the instructions on the Docker website

Follow the AlgoKit Quick Start Guide to install AlgoKit. 

Create your first AlgoKit project 

Now you have AlgoKit installed, you can quickly get started writing a blockchain application. 

Explore the AlgoKit documentation to learn the various ways in which you can interact with the Algorand blockchain using Python. 

Learn more about Python on Algorand

The Algorand Developer Portal offers a wealth of resources to jumpstart your Python and AlgoKit development journey. Dive into the documentation and explore tutorials on the AlgoDevs YouTube channel to gain hands-on experience. 

For a more intensive learning experience, consider enrolling in an Algorand developer bootcamp. These bootcamps offer a concentrated approach to equip you with the essential skills and knowledge to confidently build applications on the Algorand blockchain.

Sign up for Algorand developer bootcamps


Can Python be used for blockchain?

Absolutely! Python's readability and extensive libraries make it an excellent choice for blockchain development. Algorand, a layer-1 blockchain protocol, allows you to code directly in Python, streamlining dApp creation.

What code is used for blockchain?

While some blockchains require you to learn a new, specialized language to build dApps, Algorand takes a different approach. By enabling development in Python, Algorand unlocks the power of blockchain to a global community of over 10 million developers.  This means you can leverage your existing Python skills or learn them more easily, accelerating your journey into blockchain development with Algorand.

How do I become a blockchain developer in Python?

To become a Python blockchain developer, start by mastering Python fundamentals. Then, explore blockchain concepts and delve into Python on Algorand where you can leverage Python's familiarity and powerful libraries to construct innovative applications on its efficient and secure blockchain protocol.


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