How to mint an NFT

June 21, 2023


Written by: Algorand Foundation

If you're looking to create unique digital assets that can be bought, sold, and traded, then minting NFTs could be the answer. Essentially, minting refers to the process of creating a unique and one-of-a-kind digital asset that is stored on a blockchain, which establishes its authenticity and ownership. 

This guide will introduce how to mint an NFT using three distinct methods: on a minting platform, with smart contracts, and with Algorand Standard Assets (ASAs). 

What is an NFT?

An NFT, or non-fungible token, is a digital asset that represents something distinct. It’s a one-of-a-kind asset that cannot be duplicated or exchanged for an identical one. NFTs are built on blockchain technology, which can prove the provenance, ownership, and authenticity of an asset. NFTs can include clauses written by creators that can dictate how they are used or sold, similar to a traditional contract.

What is NFT minting?

NFT minting is the process of transforming digital data, such as images, videos, music, or other digital content, into unique and indivisible tokens known as NFTs. This tokenization process enables creators to own, track, and trade their NFTs.   

How to mint an NFT on a minting platform

An NFT minting platform is a user-friendly tool that enables creators to generate and issue NFTs without requiring coding skills or a deep understanding of blockchain technology. To mint an NFT on a minting platform, you'll need a few things. First, you'll need a crypto wallet that can hold your NFTs and cryptocurrency. Next, you’ll need to load your wallet with a cryptocurrency like Algo to mint your NFT. Finally, you'll need to choose a minting platform. A few options on Algorand are Highforge and Evil Tools.

How does an NFT minting platform work?

Minting platforms offer a user-friendly interface that guides creators through the process of tokenizing their digital assets. Creators can upload their files, such as images, videos, audio, or any other digital content they want to tokenize. They can customize various attributes of the NFT, such as title, description, and metadata. This metadata provides additional information about the asset and its creator.

The minting platform handles the technical aspects of integrating with a blockchain network. It generates the Algorand Standard Asset (ASA) that represents the NFT on the Algorand blockchain. Learn more about ASAs in the section below. 

The platform typically provides a preview of how the NFT or collection of NFTs will appear and allows creators to review and confirm the details before minting. Once the creator confirms the details, the platform initiates the minting process. Once the minting process is complete, the NFT is officially created and recorded on the blockchain. The creator becomes the initial owner of the NFT, and it can then be bought, sold, or traded on NFT marketplaces.

This can be achieved on Evil Tools, a no-code NFT selection of tools where you can mint your NFT in less than a minute. Here, creators can also select NFT token standards, mint a collection in bulk, create a simple airdrop, and upload collections to IPFS.

The process described above is known as “bulk minting”, where the creator typically mints a collection of NFTs in one go. Alternatively, creators can choose a “live mint,” where NFTs are minted on demand; they are not added to the blockchain until a user mints them. This can be achieved with High Forge and R& Drops

If you are looking to create a generative collection (where a randomized system combines the traits that you’ve previously designed), you can use High Forge and combine the traits on the platform directly. 

Once an NFT or a collection is minted, you can go to one of these marketplaces to trade it: Rand Gallery, Exa Market, Shufl, AlgoXNFT, Algogems, and Dartroom.

Pros and cons of minting on a minting platform

Pros Cons
Accessible for creators of all technical levels to tokenize their creations. Creator must still rely on NFT marketplaces for the secondary sale and distribution of the NFT.
Simplifies the process of turning digital content into unique, tradable assets. May not offer as much flexibility as smart contracts or ASAs.
Enables direct monetization of work and full control over digital assets.  

How to mint an NFT with smart contracts

You can mint NFTs directly on-chain through smart contracts. This will require some technical knowledge and blockchain expertise or the support of a blockchain developer. Algorand offers an alternative to smart contract minting called Algorand Standard Assets (ASAs), which allows you to mint directly on-chain without having to create a smart contract. Learn more about ASAs in the section below. 

What are smart contracts and how do they enable NFT minting?

Smart contracts are self-executing agreements between parties that are enforced using computer code. These contracts automate the actions required in a contract or agreement, and their execution is recorded on a blockchain, making them transparent, secure, and accurate. 

Smart contracts enable NFT minting by providing a secure and transparent way to verify ownership and transfer of the digital asset. They define the rules for ownership, transfer, and distribution of NFTs on the blockchain and automatically enforce the transfer of ownership when the conditions specified in the contract are met. 

Pros and cons of minting NFTs with smart contracts 

Pros Cons
Increased flexibility to implement unique features and functionalities. May be difficult for non-technical users to achieve without the support of a developer.
Can be lower cost and more cost-effective for individual artists. Can be time-consuming, especially for complex or custom NFT functionalities.
Allows flexibility to combine and add more complexity to the metadata.  

How to mint an NFT using smart contracts

To mint an NFT using smart contracts, you will need to follow these general steps:

  1. Upload the digital file of your NFT to the blockchain and/or decentralized storage.
  2. Add relevant metadata to describe your NFT, such as its name, description, and image.
  3. Set a price for your NFT.
  4. Deploy the smart contract to the blockchain, which will define the rules for ownership, transfer, and distribution of your NFT. For further information on how to do this on Algorand, refer to the ARC-72 documentation.
  5. Wait for the smart contract to be created on the blockchain before your NFT becomes available for purchase or transfer.

How to mint an NFT with Algorand Standard Assets

What is Algorand?

Algorand is a carbon neutral blockchain that offers fast, secure, and low-cost transactions, making it a reliable blockchain for minting NFTs. It was founded in 2017 by Silvio Micali, a renowned cryptographer and Turing Award recipient. Algorand uses a unique consensus algorithm to validate transactions called pure proof-of-stake (PPoS), which ensures its decentralization, security, and scalability.

What are Algorand Standard Assets (ASAs) and how do they enable NFT minting?

Algorand Standard Assets (ASAs) are tokens that can be created on the Algorand blockchain. They can represent any kind of asset, such as a currency, stablecoin, or unique asset like an NFT. ASAs enable NFT minting by providing a simple and efficient way to create and manage NFTs on the Algorand blockchain. Each ASA has a unique identifier, called an Asset ID, that represents a specific token and ensures an NFT is unique and cannot be duplicated. 

Learn more about Algorand Standard Assets.

What is the difference between creating NFTs with ASAs and smart contracts?

ASAs do not require a smart contract to create an NFT. With some blockchains, a smart contract is required to create an NFT, but this is not mandatory with Algorand. With ASAs, you just need to specify a few parameters to identify it as an NFT, then link to the metadata so that potential owners have the information they need to validate the integrity of the asset. For example, you need to assign the total number of units you want to create for this asset to 1 and set the number of decimals to 0. This will ensure you only create one NFT for the ASA. 

Currently, most NFTs in the Algorand ecosystem are implemented as ASAs. However, as noted above, smart contracts can provide rich extra functionality so, in some cases, this will be the best option. Please see ARC-72: Algorand Smart Contract NFT Specification for further information.

How to mint with Algorand Standard Assets (ASA) 

To mint NFTs using Algorand Standard Assets (ASA), you need to follow a few steps:

  1. Create an Algorand wallet: You can create an Algorand wallet using any of the available options, such as Pera Wallet or Defly.
  2. Fund your wallet: You need to have some Algo, the native cryptocurrency of the Algorand blockchain, to pay for the transaction fees associated with minting and managing ASAs. On Algorand, you will need a negligible minimum balance of 0.1 Algo for each ASA you hold and 0.001 Algo for each transaction you execute.
  3. Upload the asset to IPFS: You can do so by creating a free account on Pinata Cloud or you can bulk upload using the Evil Tools bulk uploader
  4. Mint your NFTs: The simplest way to bulk mint ASA NFTs is through a launchpad like Evil Tools or HighForge. With Evil Tools, you can enter all of the details and metadata into a spreadsheet and mint the NFTs within these parameters. High Forge allows you to compose and launch an NFT project. To mint NFTs one-by-one, you can use Algodesk. You can also leverage templates on AlgoKit and mint your NFT as an ASA using lines of code. For further information on AlgoKit templates, refer to our Github.

How to list an NFT on a marketplace

An NFT marketplace is a platform where NFTs can be listed, bought, and sold. Marketplaces vary in the services they offer. For instance, some support NFT minting, while others are listing only. Marketplaces typically offer both primary and secondary sales of NFTs, while some may be exclusive to primary sellers. 

For buyers, NFT marketplaces (such as Rand Gallery, Exa Market, Shufl, AlgoXNFT, Algogems, and Dartroom) and NFT aggregators (such as Asalytic and NFT Explorer) are a starting point to discover NFTs and find out more details, such as the price and about the creator. Some marketplaces offer the option to bid in an auction or make an offer to buy an NFT. Once an NFT is purchased, the marketplace facilitates the on-chain transfer of the NFT from the seller to the buyer (while making sure that creator royalties are paid on-chain). 

NFT creators can go to an NFT marketplace to list their assets, along with a price, duration of sale, royalty percentages, and additional information providing more context about the NFT. Some marketplaces enforce creator royalties to ensure that creators are properly compensated every time their NFTs are traded. 

General steps for listing an NFT on a marketplace

  1. Set up a crypto wallet if you don’t already have one. Load it with a sufficient cryptocurrency balance to cover minting and transaction costs. 
  2. Mint your NFTs through one of the methods outlined above. 
  3. Choose one of the following marketplaces: Rand Gallery, Exa Market, Shufl, AlgoXNFT, Algogems, and Dartroom.
  4. Connect your Algorand wallet to a marketplace.
  5. Follow the marketplace instructions to verify and list a standalone NFT or a collection.
  6. Set a price for your NFT, either through an auction or a fixed price.
  7. Submit your NFT to the marketplace for listing.
  8. Promote your listing and wait for a collector to purchase your NFT.

Did you know that Algogems is a marketplace with a minting tool? It offers a “free to mint” option where you can mint an Algorand NFT for free. This is a great tool for users to get started who have no access to Algo. 


There are multiple avenues to mint an NFT, each offering their own set of advantages and disadvantages. It’s important to familiarize yourself with the tools and platforms available to empower you to make informed decisions based on your specific NFT goals and requirements. Minting through a minting platform or marketplace can provide a user-friendly interface, while smart contracts and ASAs can grant more freedom in the creation and execution of NFTs. Now that you understand the options available, it’s time to start creating and minting NFTs!

Further learning

Algorand resources: 

External resources: