Important updates to the Algorand Governance 2024 timeline

May 5, 2024


Written by: Algorand Foundation

Following the release of the Algorand Governance 2024 Timeline earlier this year, we wanted to share some updates and changes.

  • Work continues on consensus incentivization, which is currently anticipated to go live towards the end of 2024. Learn more about the consensus incentivization (Réti) update in the Algorand 2024 Roadmap
  • As outlined in the Algorand Governance 2024 Timeline, governance rewards will therefore be made available for GP12 (July 1, 2024–September 30, 2024).

Rewards available

Total governance rewards 25M Algo
Governance rewards 12.5M Algo (includes xGov and NFT Rewards)
DeFi rewards 12.5M Algo (includes Vanilla DeFi and Targeted DeFi Rewards)

Program breakdown


xGov Up to 2M Algo
Targeted NFT Rewards Up to 500K Algo
Targeted DeFi Rewards Up to 6.25M Algo


Join us to discuss the future of governance

A limited number of General Admission tickets have been made available for Decipher 2024. Get a ticket to join us in person for live discussions on the future of governance. Can’t make it? We’ll be sharing live updates on the Algorand Foundation X channel